Environmental education with funding

The Voivodship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Kraków has announced a call for applications for projects related to the promotion of environmental protection under the ‘Environmental Education’ programme.
Supporting the education of children and young people
The initiative aims to raise environmental awareness and promote environmental knowledge among the youngest. The programme’s target audience is primarily pre-school children and pupils in compulsory education.
Funding for projects takes the form of grants. Local government units can receive up to 90% of eligible costs, while other entities can receive up to 80%. The maximum amount of a grant for one task cannot exceed PLN 50 000. This is also the limit of the grant amount for one beneficiary.
What educational activities can the funds be used for?
A variety of environmental education projects may be subsidised, including:
- Classes, workshops, educational trips, training courses.
- Environmental competitions, environmental knowledge tournaments, Olympiads.
- Nature trails.
- Information and education campaigns.
- Actions, happenings, festivals.
- Publications, educational materials, articles.
- Other activities in the field of environmental education and promotion of the principle of sustainable development.
Who can benefit?
Entities whose statutory objective is environmental protection or environmental education may apply for grants. Potential beneficiaries include local government units and their organisational units, associations, foundations or other not-for-profit entities.
How to apply?
The call for applications runs until 11 March 2024. In addition, the maximum deadline for tasks under the programme is 21 October this year.
Applications must be submitted in two versions – electronically via the Beneficiary Portal and in a form signed traditionally (on paper) or electronically via the ePUAP Platform (using a qualified signature). In order for an application to be considered, both types of application must reach the Provincial Fund by 15:30 on the last day of the call for proposals.
Detailed information
Detailed information and requirements can be found on the official website of the WFOŚiGW in Krakow.
We encourage all interested parties to take the opportunity to support educational activities in the field of environmental protection. Together, we can contribute to raising environmental awareness among the youngest and local communities, striving for sustainable development in our region.