Take part in a webinar about the Stop Smog program!

On March 31st this year, the second edition of the “Stop Smog” program was launched. The program concerns low-emission undertakings carried out by communes and addressed to inhabitants suffering from energy poverty. The program makes it possible to subsidize investments in these people up to 70% of the costs of replacement of heating and thermomodernization of the building. The remaining 30% is the commune’s own contribution. As a result, residents of communes can receive a non-refundable grant of up to 100% of the cost of the project. New rules of the program significantly simplified obtaining subsidies and realization of investments.
We kindly invite you to take part in a meeting organized together with NFOŚiGW and Skawina Commune, which will be an opportunity to learn about the changes introduced and facilitations in the access to the Stop Smog program, as well as about the experiences of the Skawina Commune in the implementation of the program.
The online meeting will be held on October 4, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., via the Webex platform.
How can you sign up?
Applications can be made through the sign-up form available at: https://powietrze.malopolska.pl/stop-smog/
Training Program:

Additional Information:
The contact person for the case is Ms. Klaudia Kowalczyk, e-mail; [email protected], available at: 12 37 96 084.