Inauguration of training courses in home furnace inspection


Today, trainings for employees of municipalities, police as well as municipal and communal guards from the Malopolska Region, on home furnace inspection began.

Participants were welcomed by Tomasz Urynowicz – Deputy Marshal of the Malopolska Region, he reminded that the main goal of the inspection was to eliminate waste burning.

The training was conducted by a consortium composed of the Institute of Chemical Processing of Coal with headquarters in Zabrze and the Frank Bold Foundation with headquarters in Krakow.

Persons participating in the training were practically “step by step” taken through the methodology of collecting furnace waste samples from the ash pan and acquired the ability to distinguish solid coal fuels.

We believe that the knowledge of participants acquired during the training will help municipalities in implementing activities related to reducing low emissions and will enable them to effectively perform inspections.

Each participant received a personal certificate confirming knowledge and skills as well as a set of training materials.

We still have 13 days of training ahead of us, they are very popular. The entire cycle will be attended by over 400 people from the entire Malopolska Region.

Please be reminded that the obligation for municipalities to carry out inspections results from the Environmental Protection Law (Article 379 of the Act), and in the Malopolska Region additionally from the Air Quality Program. Pursuant to its provisions, the obligation to carry out inspections rests with the village heads, mayors and presidents of cities and municipalities.

The training is financed from the LIFE integrated project “Implementation of the Air Quality Program for the Malopolska Region – Malopolska in a healthy atmosphere” (LIFE IP MALOPOLSKA / LIFE 14 IPE PL 021).
