Let’s talk about the climate – a meeting with poviat starost offices

Last Thursday, on July 18 at the headquarters of the Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region, a meeting was held with representatives of poviat starost offices of the Malopolska Region, during which talks were held on the implementation and development of EU policies and regulations in the field of climate change prevention and mitigation.
The meeting was started by the Deputy Marshal of the Malopolska Region – Mr. Tomasz Urynowicz. In a short speech he emphasized that only joint work and commitment would allow to achieve the assumed goals in the field of climate change.
EU climate commitments:
The national target for the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final energy in 2020 for Poland is 15% (currently 10.9%, EU average -17%).
A 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions at EU level, an increase in energy efficiency by at least 20%.
By 2030:
• reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by at least 40%,
• increasing energy efficiency by at least 32.5%,
• increase in the share of renewable energy sources in the final energy consumption to 32%.
In the further part of the meeting, Deputy Director of the Department of the Environment – Mr. Piotr Łyczko, presented the initial assumptions for the prepared Regional Plan for Energy and Climate for the Malopolska Region. The document will be completed early next year.
The meeting was attended by representatives of all poviat starosties and cities with the rights of the poviats of the Malopolska Region and the Environment Department of the Marshal’s Office.