My warmth – subsidies for heat pumps in newly built houses- subsidies for heat pumps in newly built houses

In order to support actions contributing to the reduction of pollution and promotion of renewable energy sources, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) has launched a program which makes it possible to subsidize the purchase and installation of heat pumps. The program will benefit owners of new houses. Increasing the share of RES in energy consumption is an important element on the way to effective improvement of air quality.
Who can benefit from the grant?
The program is addressed to natural persons, i.e. owners or co-owners of new single-family houses with higher energy standard. Co-financing is provided for the purchase and installation of air-, water- and ground-source heat pumps. These devices will be used for house heating or for simultaneous heating and production of domestic hot water. It should also be taken into account that in the building covered by the subsidy there can be no solid fuel heat source.
“For the first time, owners of new buildings have gained the opportunity to reach for subsidies. The “My Heat” program provides funds for the purchase and installation of heat pumps – from 7 to even 21 thousand PLN. The budget of the nationwide program is 600 million PLN. What’s worth emphasizing is that only owners of new residential buildings of higher energy standard will benefit from the support. Therefore, it is an incentive to build ecological and less energy-consuming buildings, which will translate into lower bills in the future.”
emphasizes Józef Gawron – Deputy Marshal of małopolskie voivodship
What subsidies await program beneficiaries?
Support will be granted in the form of a non-refundable grant of up to 30% of the eligible investment costs. In case the applicant holds a Large Family Card (LDR) – up to 45%. The value of subsidies ranges from PLN 7 to 21 thousand. The highest support can be counted on by persons applying for a subsidy for a ground source heat pump.

The budget of the program is as much as PLN 600 million. These funds come from the Modernization Fund. It is a new financial instrument of the European Union.
New home with higher energy standard – what does it mean in practice?
A new residential building is defined as one that meets one of the following conditions:
- on the date of submitting the grant application, no notification of completion of construction of a single-family residential building has been submitted or no application for a decision on occupancy permit has been submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 7 July 1994 Construction Law
- the application for an occupancy permit was submitted no earlier than January 1, 2021.
- the notice of completion was filed no earlier than January 1, 2021.
The condition for obtaining a grant is also obtaining a higher energy standard of the building. This translates into the need to achieve an appropriate annual indicator of demand for non-renewable primary energy (EP) for heating, ventilation and domestic hot water preparation (EPH+W). It can be maximum 63 kWh (per m2 of house surface during the year) in case of applications submitted in 2022, and maximum 55 kWh for applications to be submitted in the following years.
When can you submit an application?
The call for proposals is continuous from 29.04.2022 to 31.12.2026 or until the dedicated pool of funds is exhausted. The period of cost eligibility began on January 1, 2021. The principle used in many other universal programs of the Fund is applicable: first make the investment, then apply to receive a non-refundable grant.

More information about the My Heat program can be found here