New materials for Eco-managers

The Małopolska Voivodeship has been actively implementing measures to improve air quality in the region for many years. Through training for local authorities, information campaigns and educational materials, both local authority employees and residents are constantly raising their environmental awareness.
Anti-smog resolution for Małopolska region
Since 1 May, provisions of the so-called anti-smog resolution for Małopolska region have been in force, which restrict the use of non-ecological coal and wood-fired boilers. To support local action, the Air Protection Team has prepared a special package of graphics and a multimedia spot.
Where to use them?
The materials can be used for publication on social media, websites, workshops and lectures in schools and meetings with residents. We encourage information and education campaigns among residents. It is also worth linking events with other entities – neighbouring municipalities or districts. The approaching holiday period provides an excellent opportunity for meetings with residents in the beautiful natural surroundings for which Małopolska region is famous.
New educational material
The package of new information materials includes eleven graphics and a multimedia spot that can be displayed on LCD screens or used in social media accounts.
How to use the materials?
Materials can be downloaded from our ‘cloud’.
We would like to thank everyone for their commitment so far and encourage you to use the available educational material (LINK).