Old burner in Skawina reminds of the furnace replacement


At the last moment before the heating season begins, a monument to an old coal stove, the so called “kopciuch”, appeared in the market square in Skawiń. It will remain there until the end of winter, and its task is to remind residents of the obligation to replace old, inefficient heating devices by the end of 2022, in accordance with the provisions of the anti-smog resolution for Małopolska.

Autumn is fast approaching and with it comes the subject of heating our homes and, consequently, the subject of smog. Officials in Skawina are now launching an unusual promotional campaign in their municipality, in which they are encouraging residents to replace old, unfriendly heating appliances. The “stove” monument, placed in the middle of the Skawina market square, is to remind the inhabitants about the deadline for replacing the boilers that do not meet any emission standards. It is worth considering replacing the equipment now and take advantage of the high subsidies from the Clean Air Programme.

An unconventional idea

In the fight for clean air, unconventional methods often prove to be the most effective in informing residents. The main intention of placing the “kopciuch” is to focus the inhabitants’ attention on the subject of inefficient heating of buildings and to encourage them to liquidate this type of equipment. – The idea was born out of necessity. – says Norbert Rzepisko, the mayor of Skawina town and commune. – In spite of many information campaigns on the Internet, at village meetings, in schools and during inspections of household boiler houses, there are still residents who may not know about the obligation to replace the “old stove” by the end of 2022. Old, worn out furnace on the marketplace attracts attention and may encourage to remove it. – adds the mayor.

The location of the monument was chosen not accidentally. The market square in Skawina is one of the most frequented places in the commune. The aim of the action is to reach as many residents as possible, including the younger ones. -It will be used to educate young people. Children from schools and kindergartens will take part in classes conducted by an eco-managers who will show them an old stove, explain how harmful it is to use it and tell them what to do to reduce air pollution in Skawina in the future’, explain the officials.

Take a grant to replace your old furnace and insulate your home

Under the anti-smog resolution, all non-class equipment that does not meet any emission standards must be removed from the Małopolska province by the end of 2022, so there is really little time left. However, residents are not left alone with this obligation. There is an information point of the “Clean Air” Programme in almost every commune in Małopolska. This program provides up to 37 thousand PLN of subsidies, thanks to which the residents may replace their old furnace and carry out thermal modernization of the building. In each of those points we can count on specialized advice of an eco-managers or consultant and we will get help in filling in the grant application. – In order to facilitate obtaining of such a large subsidy an eco-manager needed, who will become a “translator” of subsidy intricacies. He will help to fill in all the documentation in such a way so that the inhabitants could get as much support as possible”, informs the officials in Skawiń.

In the Municipality of Skawina the consultation and social point of the “Clean Air” Programme is located in the Air Protection Department of the Municipal Office in Skawina, Rynek 12 (entrance from Krzywa Street). The point is open from Monday to Friday during the office working hours, i.e:

Monday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Tuesday – Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Eco-managers can also be contacted by phone or email:

Eco-managerContact phoneE-mail address
Aneta Błaszczyk
12 2770 167
882 353 455
[email protected]
Piotr Drzyżdżyk
12 2770 014
532 458 080
[email protected]
Ewelina Podkopacz
12 2770 167
532 085 350
[email protected]
Krzysztof Szulada
(Projekt LIFE)
12 2770 168
789 204 751
[email protected]

Remember to submit your declaration to CEEB

From July 1st the submission of declarations to the Central Register of Building Emissions has started. Its purpose is to collect data on heat sources and fuel combustion in residential and non-residential buildings throughout Poland. Filing of the declaration is obligatory. You can do it yourself, without leaving your home. All you need is a trusted profile, an electronic signature or an e-card. In order to fill in the declaration one has to go to the website www.zone.gunb.gov.pl and choose the option “File declaration”. The last step is just to fill it in and send. If you have any questions it is worth contacting an Eco-manager in your municipality or reading the website of the Central Office of Construction Supervision where you can find the most common questions with answers. You can also submit the declaration in a traditional (paper) form to the municipal office. Remember that you can help improve air quality in your area by submitting the CEEB declaration by the end of this year.
