Ranking of municipalities in the Clean Air Program – Małopolska in third place

On February 28, 2023, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW), the Polish Smog Alarm and the World Bank published a ranking of the activity of municipalities in the Clean Air program for 2022. Małopolska was ranked as the third most active voivodeship.
The ranking is based on the number of applications submitted from the area of a given municipality per 1000 single-family buildings. The health resort commune of Goczałkowice-Zdrój (Silesian Voivodeship) was ranked first. There, in 2022, 143 applications were submitted. The first hundred included the largest number of municipalities (25) in the Śląskie Voivodeship, the second place belongs to the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship. From Małopolska, 10 municipalities made it to the top 100, which places Małopolska in third place in terms of the largest number of active municipalities.

Małopolska activity leaders
The top 30 included 3 Małopolska municipalities – the Budzów municipality in 12th place (166 applications were submitted), Sucha Beskidzka in 25th place (130 applications) and Nowe Brzesko in 29th place (110 applications). The municipalities that made it into the top 10 most active Małopolska municipalities also deserve a mention. In addition to the municipalities that made it to the top 30, these were: Radziemice, Jordanów, Igołomia-Wawrzeńczyce, Bystra-Sidzina, Mucharz, Proszowice and Czorsztyn.

Municipalities for air protection
The Clean Air Program aims to improve air quality by eliminating sources of pollution from households. It is therefore very important for local governments to be involved in promoting the program and actively working to protect the air.
– The ranking is intended to encourage local governments to become even more involved in the Clean Air program, promoting thermal upgrading of homes and replacing old heat sources among residents. The most active municipalities at the end of 2023 will be eligible for additional funding. The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management will allocate PLN 25 million for this purpose at the beginning of 2024. We will announce the details of this mechanism soon,” says Pawel Mirowski, vice president of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and plenipotentiary of the Prime Minister for the Clean Air program and energy efficiency of buildings. An announcement on additional subsidies will be published on www.czystepowietrze.gov.pl this week.
All prepared statements, starting from the first quarter of 2021, can be checked in the search engine available at: www.polskialarmsmogowy.pl/ranking.
Source: https://polskialarmsmogowy.pl/2023/03/wojewodztwo-slaskie-antysmogowym-liderem-w-2022-roku/