Summary of LIFE Malopolska – October 2020

Main events
- The Air Quality Plan for the Małopolska Region, adopted by the Sejmik of the Małopolska Region, came into force on 27 October this year. The comprehensive project of activities aimed at improving air quality in our region will make it possible, inter alia, to achieve a significant reduction in emissions of particulate matter in the atmosphere by 2023 and of benzo(a)pyrene by 2026.
- The integrated LIFE EkoMałopolska project “Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy” implemented by the Małopolska Region received co-financing from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
- As part of the European Green Week, some of the municipalities in the Małopolska Region organized events in October which promoted an ecological lifestyle.
- The activities of the eco-managers under the LIFE project have been reduced. The reason for this is the COVID-19 epidemic.
- Eco-managers distributed in total over 25 000 information and educational materials and gave over 5 000 advices to the inhabitants of Małopolska.
C.1. Eco-managers
Advice and assistance to residents
In October, Eco-managers employed under the LIFE program provided advisory assistance to the inhabitants of Małopolska in the following dimensions:
- 1436 persons admitted in the office
- 3168 by phone
- 563 in writing or by e-mail
- 198 during visits
119 inspections were carried out at residents regarding waste incineration. Violations were found in 5 cases.
Questionnaires from residents and applications for funding
Eco-managers were involved in collecting questionnaires from residents and in processing applications for funding.
In October 2020:
- 147 questionnaires were collected from residents interested in benefiting from the funding,
- 218 applications for co-financing from inhabitants or entities were examined,
- 103 agreements on co-financing were signed with residents or entities and 185 such agreements were settled.
Eco-managers entered or updated data on 1099 buildings in the heating database.
C.2. Competence Center
List of low-emission heating devices
The list of low-emission solid fuel heating devices that meet Ecodesign requirements, available at, includes a total of 348 boilers and space heaters.
Application “Eco-intervention”
In October, 699 applications were received. The application is available at
This can be detailed to:
- 594 reports of air pollution,
- 90 illegal waste disposal
- 15 other reports.
The hotline operated by the Competence Centre of UMWM responded to over 300 phone calls.
Online training – Meeting with an expert
The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency in the framework of the online training “Meeting with an expert” in October organized three events in which eco-advisors took part:
- 14.10. – Meeting with KAPE expert – white certificates.
- 21.10. – Meeting with KAPE expert – RES in buildings and PV.
- 28.10. – Meeting with KAPE expert – energy consumption monitoring.
D.1. Monitoring of the effects of the implementation of the Air Quality Plan for the Małopolska Region (MPOP)
On 27 October, the new Air Quality Plan for the Małopolska Region, adopted by the Małopolska Regional Assembly on 28 September 2020, entered into force. The most important tasks identified in the Air Quality Plan include accelerating the replacement of outdated furnaces, promoting the use of renewable energy sources by providing higher co-financing for them, and improving the inspection system.

E.2. Local information and education activities on air protection
Educational materials on air protection
Eco-managers in the municipalities:
- prepared 52 213 leaflets and brochures and 7 posters,
- distributed 22 820 leaflets and brochures and 37 posters,
- prepared 123 and distributed 2189 other educational and promotional materials (promotional materials, leaflets connected with the Clean Air Program).
Meetings and events
Eco-managers organized meetings and events:
- 3 competitions for children/young people with 271 participants,
- 10 school and kindergarten meetings attended by 395 people (including online activities),
- 10 meetings with local residents attended by 128 people,
- 22 meetings with local leaders attended by 80 people in total,
- 6 other events on air protection with 490 participants.
E.3. Creating networks for sharing experience with other projects.
Funding for the LIFE EkoMalopolska Integrated Project “Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy”
The second, implemented by the Małopolska Region, integrated LIFE EkoMałopolska project “Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy” received co-financing from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The total budget of the project is 16.4 million EURO, of which 35% (i.e. 24.6 million PLN) will be co-financed by the NFOŚiGW. Implementation of the LIFE EkoMałopolska Project includes among others: implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy, low-emission transformation of the heating equipment market and creation of IT tools determining the potential of RES. As part of the project, a regional competence centre will be prepared to support districts and municipalities. Pilot projects are also planned for energy clusters and energy cooperatives.
Competition “Innovation in energy-efficient construction – the key to success – 2nd edition”
Malopolska Region in cooperation with the Krakow University of Technology and partners organizes a competition entitled “Innovations in energy-saving construction as the key to success – 2nd edition”. The organization of the competition is part of the conference entitled: “Air Quality and Energy Efficiency, JPEE 2020” organized by the Małopolska Center for Energy-Saving Construction in cooperation with the Association of Energy Certifiers and Auditors. The aim of the competition is to promote innovation and energy efficiency in business, municipalities and science.
Green Week in Małopolska
In October, some municipalities in the Małopolska Region organized events as part of the European Green Week celebrations. The theme of this year’s edition was nature and biodiversity and their impact on society and the economy.
E.4. Promotion of project implementation
Eco-managers in the municipalities have prepared:
- 10 articles in the press,
- 84 articles and posts on the Internet and social media,
- 9 times other media were used
and took part in media information related to the project:
- 25 radio or TV shows.