Summary of LIFE Małopolska – October 2021
Main events
- Between 4 and 29 October training sessions for employees of municipalities, police, and municipal and communal guards from the Malopolska province were held in the field of hearth inspection. Altogether 511 people were trained.
- From 5 to 8 October, monitoring visits were carried out in 8 municipalities participating in the LIFE Project, i.e. Nowy Targ municipality and town, Poronin, Łapsze Niżne, Myślenice, Sułkowice, Wieprz and Skawina.
- On the 4th of October, via the Webex platform, a training for the employees of municipalities from the Malopolska Region took place. The meeting was an opportunity to get acquainted with the introduced changes and facilitations in the access to the Stop Smog program, as well as with the experiences of the Skawina commune in the implementation of the program.
- On 12th October during the European Week of Regions and Cities, in the panel Green transition: the LIFE programme supports public authorities, Mr. Tomasz Pietrusiak – Deputy Director of the Department of Environment presented the effects of the project.
- On October 15, campaigns in local radio stations were completed. Among other things, radio spots on air protection were aired as part of the event.
- Eco-managers distributed in total over 36 thousand information and educational materials and gave over 11 thousand pieces of advice to inhabitants of Małopolska.
C.1. Eco-managers
Advice and assistance to residents
In October, Eco-managers employed under the LIFE program provided consulting assistance to the residents of Malopolska in the amount of:
- 4,638 people admitted to the office,
- 5,328 by phone,
- 454 in writing or by email,
- 608 during visits,
There were 841 inspections of residents regarding waste incineration. In 36 cases, violations were found.
Surveys from residents and grant applications
Eco-managers were involved in collecting surveys from residents and reviewing grant applications.
October 2021:
- 203 surveys were collected from residents interested in applying for funding,
- 236 applications from residents or entities for funding were processed,
- 100 contracts were signed with residents or entities for funding and 300 such contracts were settled.
Eco-managers entered or updated data on 4,412 buildings in the heating database.
C.2 Competence Centre
List of low-emission heating appliances
The list of low-emission, ecodesign-compliant solid fuel heating equipment, available at, includes a total of 376 boilers and space heaters.
“Eco-intervention” application
In October, 711 applications were accepted. The application is available at
You can specify:
- 600 air pollution reports,
- 600 raportów o zanieczyszczeniu powietrza,
- 30 involved sewage and waste discharges,
The hotline operated by the UMWM Competency Center responded to over 300 phone calls.
Meetings with an expert
Krajowa Agencja Poszanowania Energii w ramach szkoleń online pn. „Spotkanie z ekspertem” w październiku zorganizowała cztery wydarzenia, w których wzięli udział ekodoradcy:
- 06.10. – Meeting with KAPE expert – Development of hydrogen-powered public transport,
- 13.10. – Meeting with KAPE expert – How to save energy on a daily basis?
- 20.10. – Meeting with KAPE expert – Examination with thermovision camera,
- 27.10. – Meeting with KAPE expert – Energy efficiency of indoor, outdoor and road lighting,
Training on the control of household furnaces
Throughout October there were trainings for employees of municipalities, police and municipal and communal guards from Malopolska province in the field of hearth control. The trainings were attended by 511 participants.
Training in the Stop Smog program
On the 4th of October, via the Webex platform, a training for the employees of municipalities from the Malopolska Region took place. The meeting was an opportunity to get acquainted with the introduced changes and facilitations in the access to the Stop Smog program, as well as with the experiences of the Skawina commune in the implementation of the program. More than 130 participants took part in the online workshop
E1. Regional media campaign for clean air
On October 5, campaigns on local radio stations were completed. Among other things, radio spots on air protection were aired as part of the event.
E.2 Local information and education activities on air protection
Educational materials on air protection
Eco-managers in municipalities:
- prepared 19,318 flyers and brochures and 48 posters,
- distributed 33,201 flyers and brochures and 312 posters,
- prepared 2,639 and distributed 2,664 other educational and promotional materials (promotional materials, leaflets related to the Clean Air Program).
Meetings & Events
Eco-managers have organized meetings and events:
- 5 children/youth competitions with 296 participants,
- 25 school meetings attended by 860 people,
- 91 meetings with residents, attended by 275 people,
- 35 meetings with local leaders, totaling 140 people.
- 10 other air protection events attended by 997 people.
Use of media
Eco-managers in the municipalities have prepared:
- 36 articles in the press,
- 128 online and social media articles and posts,
- 13 times other media were used
and participated in media releases related to the project:
- 19 radio or TV broadcasts.
E3. Networking with other projects
European Week of Regions and Cities
On 2 October, during the European Week of Regions and Cities, in the panel Green transition: the LIFE programme supports public authorities, Mr. Tomasz Pietrusiak – Deputy Director of the Department of Environment presented the effects of the project.
Partnership with Airly
A partnership was established with Airly on their “Breathe Poland” report.
Academy of Clean Air 2021
As part of the #AcademyCleanAir webinar series, 4 meetings were held in October:
- 7 October: Municipalities in the Clean Air Program – sharing good practices,
- 14 October: Platform for cooperation for partners of the Clean Air Program using the example of PGNiG and API-GWD,
October 21: Anti-smog resolutions and the Central Building Emissions Inventory – new
- 28 October: Applications for funding and payment in the Clean Air Program – how to plan and account for your investment?
F1. Project management
Between 5 and 8 October, monitoring visits were carried out in 8 communes participating in the LIFE Project, i.e. Nowy Targ municipality and town, Poronin, Łapsze Niżne, Myślenice, Sułkowice, Wieprz and Skawina