Summary of LIFE Malopolska – September 2022

Main events
- On 2 September an online meeting „Networking with LIFE IPs on Air Quality” was held with the representatives of LIFE projects from Italy, Hungary and Slovakia. The meeting’s goal was to share experiences gained during the implementation of the projects. The issue of implementation of EU Directives concerning air quality was also addressed.
- On 20 September a training for the representatives of municipalities of Małopolskie Voivodeship took place as part of the implementation of the project LIFE “Małopolska in healthy atmosphere”. Electro mobility, the financing of energy efficiency measures and Renewable Energy Sources were the main issues discussed by local authorities. The event was attended by 140 participants.
- On 16-22 September, as part of the European Mobility Week, a series of thematic events was held in the municipalities of Małopolskie Voivodeship. The main goal of the event was the promotion of ecological modes of mobility, such as: public transport, bicycle, pedestrian traffic and multimodal transport, i.e. combining different types of transport. The theme of this year’s edition of the event was “Better Connections”.
- On 17 September and educational and informational campaign of the Małopolskie Voivodeship was launched on Radio RMF MAXXX Nowy Sącz and Kraków. The goal of the campaign was to direct the residents attention to the issue of air pollution in the region and to the possibility of getting funding for heat source replacement and thermo-modernisation.
- The implementation of the LIFE project was promoted during numerous open air events, including a blood donation campaign, which took place on 19 September; Małopolska Tour 2022 Oświęcim on 11 September; and the Dolina Będkowska Run on 18 September.
- Eco-managers distributed a total of more than 16 thousand informational and educational materials and gave over 23 thousand pieces of advice to residents of Małopolska.
C.1. Eco-managers
Advice and help for residents
In September Eco-managers working on the LIFE program provided the following counselling assistance to the residents of Małopolska:
- 11,490 people received in the office
- 10,230 by telephone
- 936 in writing or by e-mail
- 1,292 during on-site visits
172 inspections of residents’ households regarding waste incineration were undertaken. In 8 cases, violations of regulations were found.
Surveys from residents and funding applications
Eco-managers were involved in collecting applications for funding from residents. In September 2022:
- 653 applications were collected from residents interested in benefiting from funding for heat source replacement.
Eco-managers entered or updated data on 23,200 properties in the Central Energy Efficiency and Building Heating Records (CEEB).
C.2. Competence Centre
,,Eco-intervention” application
In September, 425 reports were accepted. The application is available at
Specifically there were:
- 204 air pollution reports,
- 175 illegal waste disposal reports,
- 38 were related to sewage and wastewater discharges,
- 9 were classified as other types of reports,
The Competence Centre responded to more than 300 inquiries directed to the UMWM in the form of e-mails and 470 telephone inquiries.
Networking with LIFE IPs on Air Quality
On 2 September an online meeting „Networking with LIFE IPs on Air Quality” was held with the representatives of LIFE projects from Italy, Hungary and Slovakia. The meeting’s goal was to share experiences gained during the implementation of the projects. The participants discussed the issue of implementation and possible revisions of EU Directives concerning air quality.
New energy in municipalities and counties!
On 20 September a training for the representatives of municipalities of Małopolskie Voivodeship took place as part of the implementation of the project LIFE “Małopolska in healthy atmosphere”. Electro mobility, the financing of energy efficiency measures and Renewable Energy Sources were the main issues discussed by local authorities. The event was attended by 140 participants. This event was part of the schedule of the European Mobility Week.
E.1. Regional media campaign for clean air
On 17 September and educational and informational campaign of the Małopolskie Voivodeship was launched on Radio RMF MAXXX Nowy Sącz and Kraków. The goal of the campaign was to direct the residents attention to the issue of air pollution in the region and to the possibility of getting funding for heat source replacement and thermo-modernisation. The radio station also broadcasted a conversation with an expert, professor Grzegorz Czerski from AGH UST, who informed listeners about the advantages of boiler replacement, thermo-modernisation and the selection of an appropriate heating appliance.
E.2. Local informational and educational activities on air protection
Educational materials on air protection
Eco-managers in municipalities:
- distributed 8,709 flyers and brochures and 439 posters,
- prepared and distributed 7,830 other educational and promotional materials (promotional materials, leaflets related to the Clean Air Programme, board games and school materials for children).
Meetings & Events
Eco-managers organized meetings and events:
- 13 competitions for children and youth with 591 participants,
- 34 school and kindergarten meetings attended by 2,079 people,
- 51 meetings with residents attended by 1,014 people,
- 49 meetings with local leaders, totalling 372 people.
- 27 other air protection events with 9,050 attendees.
Use of media
Eco-managers in municipalities prepared:
- 31 articles in the press,
- 110 articles and posts online and in social media,
- 18 times other media were used
and participated in media releases related to the project:
- 20 radio or TV broadcasts.
E.3. Networking with other projects
On 16-22 September, as part of the European Mobility Week, a series of thematic events was held in the municipalities of Małopolskie Voivodeship. The main goal of the event was the promotion of ecological modes of mobility, such as: public transport, bicycle, pedestrian traffic and multimodal transport, i.e. combining different types of transport. The theme of this year’s edition of the event was “Better Connections”. The theme was chosen to reflect the will of the residents to once again connect with other people after many months of isolation, restrictions and limitations. Better connections mean better communication between residents and better communication between places.
E.4. Promotion of the implementation of the Project
The implementation of the LIFE project was promoted during numerous open air events, including a blood donation campaign, which took place on 19 September; Małopolska Tour 2022 Oświęcim on 11 September; and the Dolina Będkowska Run on 18 September.