Summary of the LIFE Malopolska project – December 2018


The Eco-managers in the Malopolska Region were involved in numerous events in December. They prepared more than 13,000 and distributed more than 100,000 information and education materials on air protection. They provided the inhabitants of the Malopolska Region with nearly 14,000 pieces of advice, mainly concerning the implementation of the “Clean Air” program, waste incineration inspection and co-financing for the replacement of old furnaces (especially under PONE).

What is more, the Eco-managers organized meetings and educational events participated by more than 2,000 residents. The biggest events took place in the municipalities of Wadowice, Nawojowa, Liszki, Sucha Beskidzka and Wolbrom. 

C.1. Eco-managers

Advice and assistance for residents

The following number show how the Eco-managers provided the Malopolska Region’s residents with advice and assistance in December:

  • 6,855 people served in the office,
  • 767 during field visits and meetings,
  • ­5,757 by phone,
  • 216 in writing or by e-mail.

Inspections of waste incineration and thermal imaging

The Eco-managers in municipalities carried out 356 inspections of residents in the field of waste incineration. Violations were found in 9.

They conducted research with a thermal imager in 32 private and 4 public buildings in the municipalities of: Raciechowice and Czernichów.

Surveys from residents and applications for co-financing

In December, the Eco-managers were involved in collecting surveys from residents and considering applications for co-financing.

  • 350 surveys were collected from residents interested in using the co-financing.
  • 432 applications of residents or entities for financing were considered.
  • 788 agreements were signed with residents or entities for co-financing and 806 such agreements were settled.

What is more, the Eco-managers entered or updated data on 1,470 buildings in the base of heating sources.

C.2. Competence Center

On December 7, a representative of KAPE participated in a study visit to the Oświęcim municipality. The meeting was attended by residents of the municipality, an Eco-manager and an energy adviser. Issues related to energy audits, thermal vvision, thermal modernization and the possibility of obtaining subsidies for the replacement of boilers and thermal modernization were discussed during the meeting.

The list of low-emission heating appliances using solid fuels, meeting the Ecodesign requirements, available on the website has been updated with 5 heating devices and currently includes a total of 215 furnaces and space heaters.

More than 50 telephone calls were also answered by the hotline operated by the Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region.

C.3. Support for the implementation of the ban on the use of solid fuels for heating in Krakow

The employees employed within the LIFE project were involved in the verification of applications and settlement of subsidies for the replacement of furnaces.

  • They conducted 29 pre-employment inspections and 40 as-built inspections.
  • They considered 26 applications from residents and prepared documents thanks to which 118 subsidy agreements were concluded.
  • They settled 75 subsidy agreements.

E.2. Local information and educational activities in the field of air protection

Eco-managers in municipalities developed and distributed educational materials on air protection.

  • They developed 10,361 leaflets and brochures and 1,137 posters.
  • They distributed 97,837 leaflets and brochures and 395 posters.
  • They developed 1,684 and distributed 3,429 other educational materials (stickers for furnaces with information on the need to replace devices, calendars, children’s books, notebooks and bookmarks).

Eco-managers organized numerous meetings and events:

  • 3 competitions for children / youth, participated by more than 300 people,
  • 10 meetings with residents, participated by 554 people,
  • 39 meetings with local leaders, including: representatives of the Polish Gas Company, Local Action Group, AGH University of Science and Technology, village leaders, headmasters of kindergartens, municipal guards, councilors, priests. A total of 175 people participated in the meetings,
  • 5 other events related to air protection, in which the total of 586 people participated (mainly in theatrical performances discussing the subject of air protection and training in collecting ash samples for employees of Municipality Offices).

E.3. Establishing a network for exchanging experiences with other projects

Integrated support system for Low Emission Limitation (ZONE) policies and programs

On December 3 and 17, a representative of the Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region participated in meetings regarding the development of the Integrated Support System for Low Emission Limitation (ZONE) Policies and Programs. The meetings took place at the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technologyin Warsaw. The main objective of ZONE is to introduce assumptions, prepare, test and implement an electronic inventory system for low-emission sources with a database and tools for data analysis.  The project is carried out by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, the Institute of Communications, the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, the Institute of Environmental Protection and the Krakow Smog Alert Association.

Social campaign addressed to the municipalities near Krakow

On December 10, a meeting was held regarding a social campaign addressed to the municipalities near Krakow. The aim of the campaign is to raise the ecological awareness of the residents of municipalities near Krakow and to replace old heating devices. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Polish Smog Alert and local smog alerts, the Purpose Climate Lab, the CEM Institute for Market and Public Opinion Research, the Krakow Metropolis Association, municipal governments and the Air Protection Team. The participants exchanged experiences related to running social campaigns and developed the main directions of activities during the workshops.

United Nations Conference on Climate Change COP24

On December 7 and 11, Witold Kozłowski, the Marshal of the Malopolska Region and Tomasz Pietrusiak, the Deputy Director of the Environment Department, participated in the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, held in Katowice on 2-15 December. Activities aimed at air protection in the Malopolska Region were presented during the meetings.

Stop Smog

Representatives of the Malopolska Region took part in the meeting concerning the Stop Smog program, it was held on December 13 at the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology in Warsaw. The meeting was held in connection with the amendment to the law on supporting thermal modernization and renovation, according to which funds will be launched for low-emission projects related to the thermal modernization of residential single-family buildings belonging to energy-poor people.

RES Workshops – co-financing under the ROP MR 2014-2020

On December 14, workshops for Eco-managers and employees of municipalities were held to concern the preparation of the specifics of essential procurement conditions for RES installations (heat pumps, solar collectors, photovoltaic panels). The meeting was attended by more than 50 people, including employees of Municipal Offices, Eco-managers, representatives of scientific units and enterprises associated with the renewable energy industry, the Krakow Smog Alert and the Air Protection Team of the Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region.

Clean Air Forum

On December 19, the Malopolska Region’s local government officials and representatives of the Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region, police and municipal guards participated in the Clean Air Forum in Krakow. The forum was devoted to the interventional and system inspections of furnaces conducted in the municipalities of the Krakow Metropolitan Association (SMK). The purpose of the meeting was to present the concept of the unification of inspection activities in the municipalities of the SMK with respect to: inspection reports, messages and sample testing.

E.4. Promotion of the project implementation

Eco-managers in the municipalities developed or participated in media information related to the project:

  • 19 press articles,
  • 78 articles and posts on the Internet and in social media,
  • 31 radio or TV programs,
  • other media were used 30 times (e.g. a Facebook funpage, wall newsletters, information boards).

The information concerned, among other things, the air quality status and exceedance of the acceptable dust levels, implementation of the Clean Air programme, waste incineration inspection and PONE co-financing.

All of the activities took place as part of the implementation of LIFE Integrated Project “Implementation of Air Quality Plan for Małopolska Region – Małopolska in a healthy atmosphere” which aims at improving the air quality in the region.
