Summary of training on selected aspects of Air Quality Plan

On 7 April 2022, the Museum of Polish Aviation in Krakow held a training course for employees of Małopolska local authorities. It was attended by more than 190 people.
Air Quality Plan for Małopolska Region is the basic document setting goals and tasks for local authorities, thanks to which the air quality in the region improves every year. The tasks set in the programme oblige the self-government units to undertake new actions, therefore the Marshal Office of Małopolska Region organised another training. The meeting was attended by more than 190 employees from all over Małopolska. Among the speakers were representatives of: the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal in Zabrze (ICHPW), the National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE) and the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Kraków (WFOŚiGW).
The scope of training
During the training, the subject of classification of central heating boilers fired with solid fuels was discussed. Participants learned how to recognise a class of boiler and how to correctly classify a boiler for replacement, which according to the anti-smog resolution may not be used as of 1 January 2023. Katarzyna Matuszek from ICHPW systematised the knowledge on the proper interpretation of boiler technical documentation.
In the second part of the meeting Ilona Wojdyła and Antonina Kaniszewska representing KAPE, discussed the methodology of energy poverty analysis. Municipalities are obliged to carry out a poverty analysis of their residents. This topic sparked a discussion aimed at working out the best ways to diagnose this complex problem.
The closing topic of the training were new sources of financing undertakings concerning energy efficiency in the broad sense. Similarly to the previous training, this issue was discussed by Justyna Jesionek – an energy advisor to WFOŚiGW. During the presentation, new forms of co-financing and changes in the hitherto existing subsidy programmes were presented. Importantly, attention was also drawn to the most common mistakes made in the applications submitted. The programmes were also discussed: My Electricity, My Heat and Agroenergy.
During the event, representatives of the municipalities provided their comments and asked questions of the speakers. Below are the presentations shown during the training.