The annual results of work of Ecomanagers

For a year, residents of 55 municipalities in Małopolska can rely on professional support of 60 Ecomanagers, employed under the project – LIFE IP MALOPOLSKA. They help not only in completing applications for co-financing project for replacement of old solid fuel boilers, but also carry out advisory based on thermographic measurement of 1000 buildings. Over the last 12 months, the experts organized 1300 meetings attended by 24000 residents in Malopolska. Ekodoradcy in schools and kindergartens explain to students the impact on air quality is burning garbage or bad fuel. They organised 300 workshops in schools for 15000 children and youth. Ecomanagers support in assessing the condition of private and communal buildings, with advisory based on thermographic measurement of 1000 buildings.
LIFE project experts have to control of furnaces, checking that the residents do not burn in furnaces garbages. In last year 680 inspections was conducted. This is an important source of information, because a lot of Małopolska municipalities do not have a City Guards or municipal guards. Ecomanagers was also involved in the research of air quality conducted with the use of dust measuring devices, which was organized this year, among others in municipalities: Czernichów, Limanowa, Gołcza, Wolbrom, Wadowice, Gdów, Liszki and Tuchów.
The emplozment of Ecomanagers was carried out within the implementation of the action C.1. “Eco-Managers” of the “Implementation of Air Quality Plan for Małopolska Region – Małopolska in a healthy atmosphere” European Union LIFE integrated project.