Together for clean air and a good climate!

More than 80 people attended a workshop meeting for Małopolska LIFE projects, held on 31 January 2023 at the Polish Aviation Museum in Kraków. They were mainly Eco-managers from Małopolska municipalities and county advisers on climate and energy.
The main subject of the meeting, which was opened by Deputy Director of the Department of Environment of the Marshal’s Office of Małopolska Region Piotr Łyczko, was cooperation during the Second Małopolska Days for Climate. However, before the Eco-managers and advisers sat down at the workshop tables, they listened to two interesting lectures. Aleksandra Jucha from a popular media agency presented the secrets of effective communication in social media. Marcin Popkiewicz, a science populariser specializing in climatology, energy and megatrend analysis, spoke about common causes and solutions to both air pollution and climate change.
In the next part of the meeting, the work of an Eco-manager in a Małopolska municipality was introduced by Aneta Klimczak. Edyta Burman from Oświęcim spoke about the tasks carried out by the adviser on climate and environment in the county.
An important part of the event was the workshops. Divided into groups, municipal and county experts on clean air and climate worked out strategies of cooperation in both daily tasks and during the Second Małopolska Days for Climate. The next edition of the event, which combines climate education, fun and tree planting, is planned for April this year.