Training on the Short Term Action Plan and the SYSLOP system

Training on the Short Term Action Plan and the SYSLOP system is over!
An online training course for employees of municipalities and districts in Małopolska took place on 4 April. More than 240 people took part in the training. The Short-Term Action Plan, which was updated at the end of 2023, and the new functionalities of the SYSLOP system were the main topics of the training.
Update of the Short Term Action Plan – what has changed?
An integral part of the Air Protection Programme is the Short-Term Action Plan. In accordance with the Environmental Protection Law, the Regional Assembly of the Małopolska Voivodeship adopted an update of the Air Protection Programme for the Małopolska Voivodeship, which entered into force on 11 December 2023. However, the general strategy from the 2020 Air Protection Programme and Short-Term Action Plan was maintained.
Compared to the previous Short-Term Action Plan, the way of announcing the degrees of danger for air pollution was changed. There was a new hazard degree for particularly sensitive persons, which replaced the first hazard degree announced automatically by the Marshal’s Office.
Previously, level 1 meant the risk of exceeding the PM 10 permissible level (24-hour average concentration) and was announced by the Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region automatically on the basis of the moving average from representative stations. It was announced in the morning and was in force until the end of the day, and in the event of a greater threat it was replaced by a grade 2 or 3 announced by the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection. In addition, the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection also announced the 1st degree of danger – in case of the risk of exceeding the permissible – average annual level. Therefore, an additional danger level has now been designated to avoid traffic chaos. The vulnerable degree means the same as the former 1st degree. It is the risk of exceeding the daily limit level for PM10 dust.
Previously, municipalities had to carry out inspections when all three degrees of danger occurred. The updated Short Term Action Plan indicates such an obligation only in the event of a 2nd or 3rd degree occurrence.
SYSLOP system – new functionalities
Representatives of municipalities and districts should include their organisational units in the use of the system. In this way, they will have access to all messages in the system relevant to their region. Guidance on how to do this from the perspective of a municipality or district employee can be found here. Each user at municipality and county level can invite the units in their area to use the Local Public Alert System.
More information about SYSLOP can be found here.