Changes to the Clean Air programme from January 2019

Due to the introduction of a thermo-modernization tax relief in the legal system, which complements the activities carried out under the Clean Air programme, the Program has changed the rules for calculating the subsidy amount. In the event that applicants have the possibility to benefit from the thermo-modernization tax relief, the subsidy under the Program will be granted to a smaller extent.
Amounts of funding
The amounts of financing for people who can not take advantage of the thermo-modernization tax relief and applicants benefiting from co-financing for newly built single-family houses depends on the monthly income per capita in the applicant’s household:
- group I: up to PLN 600 / person – a subsidy up to 90% and a loan up to 10%,
- group II: PLN 601 – PLN 800 / person – a subsidy up to 80% and a loan up to 20%,
- group III: PLN 801 – PLN 1,000 / person – a subsidy up to 70% and a loan up to 30%,
- group IV: PLN 1,001 – PLN 1,200 / person – a subsidy up to 60% and a loan up to 40%,
- group V: PLN 1,201 – PLN 1,400 / person – a subsidy up to 50% and a loan up to 50%,
- group VI: PLN 1,401 – PLN 1 600 / person – a subsidy up to 40% and a loan up to 60%,
- group VII: more than PLN 1,600 per person – a subsidy up to 30% and a loan up to 70%.
Co-financing for people using the thermo-modernization tax relief
The level of co-financing for the applicants who, individually or jointly with their spouse, will be able to benefit from the thermo-modernization tax relief, is determined on the basis of the average monthly income per capita in the applicant’s household.
For persons whose average monthly income per capita in the household qualifies for Group VII, the level of co-financing depends additionally on the income received by the applicant or applicant and spouse (in case of joint settlement) of annual income constituting the basis for taxation for the indicated tax year preceding the date of submitting the application (subject to applications submitted by 30 April):
- group I: up to PLN 600 / person – a subsidy up to 90% and a loan up to 10%,
- group II: PLN 601 – PLN 800 / person – a subsidy up to 80% and a loan up to 20%,
- group III: PLN 801 – PLN 1,000 / person – a subsidy up to 67% and a loan up to 33%,
- group IV: PLN 1,001 – PLN 1,200 / person – a subsidy up to 55% and a loan up to 45%,
- group V: PLN 1,201 – PLN 1,400 PLN / person – a subsidy up to 43% and a loan up to 57%,
- group VI: PLN 1,401 – PLN 1,600 PLN / person – a subsidy up to 30% and a loan up to 70%,
- group VII: more than PLN 1,600
per person depending on the amount of the applicant’s annual income:
- up to PLN 85,529 / year – a subsidy up to 18% and a loan up to 82%,
- up to PLN 125,528 / year – a subsidy up to 15% and a loan up to 85%,
- more than PLN 125,528 / year – a loan up to 100%.
Eligible costs
The maximum value of eligible costs of the undertaking is PLN 53,000 for a single-family house or a separate apartment in a single-family house. The costs incurred for a project in a dwelling separated after 01.01.2019 from an existing single-family residential building, are eligible within the limit of costs referred to above for the entire building. If the amount of 53 thousand PLN is exceeded, additional costs can be co-financed in the form of a loan, the financing of which will not be less than 2% per annum. The planned loan repayment period is 15 years, with the possibility of a grace period in repayment, no longer than until the end of the undertaking.
The project implementation period is defined for 24 months from the date of signing the agreement (the deadline is 30 June 2029).
More information on the Clean Air programme rules can be found on the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management website or in the program information points.