Eco-subsidies for farmers


We are all aware of the importance of regulations introduced by the anti-smog resolution obliging owners of old solid fuel appliances to replace them. The anti-smog resolution does not only concern private persons. Also business and agriculture, in places where low-power equipment not requiring permits for gas or dust emissions into the air is used, must comply with the requirements of the anti-smog resolution. As a reminder, detailed requirements for the resolutions can be found here.

One of the tasks resulting directly from the Air Protection Programme for Małopolskie Voivodship is to develop a guidebook on financing adaptation of agricultural activities to air and climate protection priorities. Therefore, starting from December, in cooperation with Małopolskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości, monthly EcoFinancing Bulletins prepared by Eco-managers for Business will also contain information about available financing for the agricultural sector. The bulletins are published on the EcoFinancing website.

From the Bulletin we will learn about the Agroenergy program as well as other options available in the market.

We would like to remind that Eco-managers for business is a partner for every entrepreneur interested in developing the company in accordance with current trends and legal regulations in the field of environmental protection. Eco-managers is a practical guide through the meanders of pro-ecological solutions and knowledge and information resources in the field of energy efficiency of enterprises. The tasks of Eco-managers are to inform, educate and advise.

You are also welcome to contact us directly

Małopolskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości
ul. Jasnogórska 11, 31-358 Kraków
tel.: +48 12 376 91 58
e-mail: [email protected]
