Take part in the Central Building Emissions Inventory conference!

The Central Office of Building Control is currently in the process of launching the Central Emission Efficiency Record for Buildings (CEEB). This is a key tool to identify all heating sources that require adjustment to the requirements of the anti-smog resolution.
We warmly invite you to participate in a meeting organised jointly with the General Office of Construction Supervision, which will provide an opportunity to learn about the current status of work on CEEB. The on-line meeting will take place on 22 March 2021, from 10.00 – 13.00.
Topics to be presented at the meeting:
- The purpose of creating CEEB
- Status of the work on the creation of the CEEB Declaration
- Presentation and discussion on the draft declaration
- The role of the Authority in the process of making the declaration to CEEB
- Deadlines for submission of declarations.
To register, please complete the form available at www.powietrze.malopolska.pl/konferencja-CEEB. A link to the meeting will be automatically sent to your email address after registration.
What is CEEB?
The Central Emission Inventory for Buildings (CEEB) is an IT mechanism for identifying sources of low emissions from buildings. The system will collect key information on emission sources in the municipal and household sector.
The project assumes that the system will make it possible to collect data on the energy condition of buildings, information on forms of public aid (subsidies, preferential loans) granted for thermal modernisation or replacement of boilers in buildings.