Invitation to training on methodology of energy poverty analysis in municipalities!

In the adopted 2020. Air Protection Programme for the Małopolska province, all municipalities in the Małopolska province were required to prepare an analysis of the problem of energy poverty by 30 June 2022. The Board of the Małopolska Voivodeship was obliged to present guidelines for the preparation of a database of people affected by energy poverty in the municipality.

We invite you to participate in a training organized jointly with the National Energy Conservation Agency, which will be an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the developed guidelines.


An online meeting will be held on September 27, 2021, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

For Whom?

We invite to participate in the meeting representatives of municipalities, employees of municipal and communal social assistance centers, eco-managers, energy advisors and substantive staff related to the topic of energy poverty.

Training Program:

10.00-10.10Marshal's Office of the Malopolska RegionWelcoming the participants to the meeting
10.10-10.40National Energy Conservation Agency S.A.Discussion of the provisions of the methodology – Where to obtain
Where to obtain data to analyse energy poverty and how to collect them?
Where to obtain data to help analyze energy poverty in the municipality and how to collect them?
10.40-11.00National Energy Conservation Agency S.A.Methodology discussion
11.00-11.30Consumer FederationHow do you talk to people at risk of fuel poverty?
11.45-13.00National Energy Conservation Agency S.A.Quick assessment of the building condition – simplified energy audit
energy audit of the building
13.00-13.30National Energy Conservation Agency S.A.Guidelines for estimating the amount of
of needed low-carbon projects


If you would like to attend the training, please email your request to: Powietrze@adrianna-frankowska

The contact person for the case is Ms. Klaudia Kowalczyk, e-mail;
[email protected], available at: 12 37 96 084
