
Summary of LIFE Malopolska – March 2023

Highlights On March 16, in Warsaw, an award ceremony was held for the "Energy Transformation Leader" competition. Malopolska Voivodeship was awarded by the chapter for the implementation of two LIFE integrated projects. The award was received by Deputy Director of the Department of Environment…


Małopolska will test new model

On April 4, an informational meeting was held at the Marshal's Office of the Małopolska Voivodeship regarding the pilot for the introduction of so-called Operators in the government's Clean Air program. Working out new optimal solutions will allow to increase the number of applications for…


Ranking of municipalities in the Clean Air Program –…

On February 28, 2023, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW), the Polish Smog Alarm and the World Bank published a ranking of the activity of municipalities in the Clean Air program for 2022. Małopolska was ranked as the third most active…


Update of the Air Protection Program and Short-Term Action Plan…

The Małopolskie Voivodeship has begun work on updating the Air Protection Program. An important element of this Program is the Short-Term Action Plan (STAP), which should be implemented in situations where there is a risk of exceeding the permissible, informational and alarm levels of pollutants…


Małopolska laureate of the “Energy Transformation…

On Thursday, March 16, a ceremonial award ceremony in the "Energy Transformation Leader" competition was held in Warsaw. The Małopolskie Voivodeship was awarded by the jury for the implementation of two LIFE integrated projects. The "Energy Transformation Leader Award" is given by the European…

