
The next step towards the adoption of the Air Quality Plan

After a break in the session announced on 31st August 2020, the Chairman of the Sejmik of the Małopolska Region, prof. Jan Tadeusz Duda, resumed the remote session of the Sejmik of the Małopolska Region on Wednesday 2nd September XXIV. The first and especially awaited by many residents point of…


Facts and myths of the Air Quality Plan

The main goals and the most important activities defined in the Air Quality Plan for the Małopolska Region these are the main issues presented by Deputy Marshal Tomasz Urynowicz during the press conference on Tuesday, 1st September this year. The main objective of the Program is to improve air…



Furnace owners and oil sellers must register

The transitional period for those selling and using heating fuels for heating purposes shall end on 31st August 2020.Sellers and purchasers are obliged to submit the simplified registration declaration AKC-RU in order to obtain the status of an intermediary oil entity (for sellers) or oil…


3rd Krakow Green Film Festival is over!

Despite the pandemic in Krakow from 16th to 23rd August, another 3rd edition of the Krakow Green Film Festival took place. It is an international festival of ecological films, a celebration of the cinema and people who are not indifferent to the fate of our planet. "Honeyland" and many…



Pilot application for industrial pollution

What is the purpose of pilotage? The aim of the pilot is to test the functionality and usefulness of the Internet platform for monitoring industrial pollution. The pilotage is carried out in the municipality of Skawina, after prior identification of interest and potential of other…


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Central Emission Register of Buildings on the home straight!

A base called Central Building Emissions Register will be created. In a few months' time, the owner or manager of the building will be submitting a written declaration to the head of the village council about the heat generating devices. Fighting smog and energy poverty and improving the energy…

