Pilot application for industrial pollution

What is the purpose of pilotage?
The aim of the pilot is to test the functionality and usefulness of the Internet platform for monitoring industrial pollution.
The pilotage is carried out in the municipality of Skawina, after prior identification of interest and potential of other municipalities of the Krakow agglomeration.
The piloting of the industrial pollution monitoring solution is conducted from August to December 2020.
It is very important to oblige industrial companies to react immediately and inform the public about the accident. In this way, everyone will have the chance to protect themselves from the consequences. The new solution is, for the time being, a pilot, but ultimately we want to cover the whole Małopolska.
– emphasises Tomasz Urynowicz, Deputy Marshal of Małopolska Region.
Who is responsible for the creation of the platform?
The design of the Internet platform for monitoring industrial pollution was developed by the Qubit team, the winner of a special prize awarded by the Krakow Technology Park during Smogathon 2019. The pilot implementation is carried out by the Krakow Technology Park as part of the SISCODE project.
Work on the platform is conducted in close consultation and cooperation with the Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region, as well as the Skawina City and Municipality Office and the Regional Inspectorate of Environmental Protection.
Why is the industrial pollution monitoring system important?
One of the main courses of action to improve air quality listed in the Air Quality Plan for the Małopolska Region is, i. a. reduction of industrial emissions to the environment and environmental education of residents. An efficient system for monitoring industrial pollution will allow us to gain reliable knowledge in this area and to react quickly to incidents which are harmful to the environment.
Which benefits does the new solution offer?
For an inhabitant, it means, above all, easy and convenient access to information on companies located on their territory (ultimately, in the entire Małopolska Region) in the field:
- air pollution incidents by industrial companies
- the emission permits held in that year
- actual emissions
- access to inspection reports
For an entrepreneur, it is, primarily, an opportunity to simplify the way in which data contained in pollution permits are recorded, to facilitate the process of monitoring pollution levels and to have easy access to historical data.
What does the new portal offer?
In A RESIDENT’S ZONE, the user can see the latest air pollution incidents that are reported through the eco-intervention application and the latest failures reported by local companies.
In the case of accidents reported by companies, you can see the description of the incident by clicking on the “Details” link.
In the LIST OF ENTERPRISES tab, a full list of companies from Skawina municipality is available. After selecting a particular company, we can view the permitted emission levels for that company, as well as check the history of incidents and accidents and substance emission levels in the previous year.
The CONTROL MAP allows us to check and analyse when a given company was controlled by the WIOŚ (Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection) and what the conclusions of the control were. The data concern the whole voivodship and are imported from the Public Information Bulletin of the WIOŚ.
ENTERPRISE ZONE enables companies participating in the pilotage to update data from emission permits and to report incidents on an ongoing basis.
The portal is available HERE!
What happens next?
The experience and recommendations from the pilot project will be used by the Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region to create a target solution covering all municipalities and companies operating in the Małopolska Region.
This system will be part of the https://powietrze.malopolska.pl website.