PLN 100 million for the “Clean Air” program!

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has announced an incentive package of PLN 100 million for municipalities that actively participate in the implementation of the Clean Air Program.
Each commune which has signed, or will conclude by the end of May 2021, an agreement on running a service point for the “Clean Air” Program with the relevant Regional Environmental Protection and Water Management Fund (WFOŚGW) will receive grant support for this purpose in the total amount of up to PLN 30 thousand. What is important, in order to receive the grant, the communes that have not yet entered into an agreement with the WFOŚiGW must notify the relevant Regional Environmental Fund in writing of their intention to conclude the above-mentioned agreement by the end of February this year.
The Clean Air Program is the main source of subsidies for the residents of Małopolska to replace cookers and thermo-modernise their homes. Eco-managers employed in over 60 communes are helping to use this source; regulations recently adopted in Małopolska also impose an obligation to create a Clean Air Program service point in each commune. I appeal to local self-governments to take advantage of the opportunity to obtain the funds announced by the Prime Minister
– explains Deputy Marshal Tomasz Urynowicz.
In September last year the Sejmik of the Małopolska Region adopted a new Air Quality Plan for the Małopolska Region (Resolution No. XXV/373/20). It obliges all municipalities in Małopolska to sign an agreement on starting a service point for the “Clean Air” Program.
Who are the measures aimed at?
The mentioned 100 million PLN is an additional amount, directed not to private beneficiaries of the program, but to local governments. The funds may be spent, for example, on organising meetings with the inhabitants of particular communes, during which they will be able to learn how to participate in the program and why it is important.
According to the anti-smog resolution for Małopolska, by the end of 2022 all out-of-class furnaces must be replaced, and by the end of 2026 those of emission class 3 or 4. Research by Polish scientists shows that air pollution is responsible for over 40 000 deaths in the country. Long-term smog breathing also exacerbates symptoms and increases mortality in people infected with COVID-19.
Incentives for municipalities!
Starting package in the amount of PLN 30 000
For launching a “Clean Air” information and consultation point for all municipalities in Poland.
Each commune which has signed or will conclude by the end of May 2021 an agreement on cooperation in the “Clean Air” program with the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management will receive a grant for launching a point of residence service for the purposes and carrying out the “Clean Air” program for a year. Payment in tranches, at the start PLN 9000 to launch the point, and then quarterly – after confirmation of implementation and settlement of information and promotional activities for residents – PLN 7000 each.
Terms and conditions
Written notification of the municipality to the provincial fund by the end of February this year.
Up to PLN 74 310 000
Competition for municipalities
Which will submit the most applications in the program in a given year.
Signed agreement on cooperation in the Clean Air Program with WFOŚiGW
Up to 16 000 000 PLN
Bonuses for submitted applications
For each municipality with an agreement.
Refund of costs for applications
- PLN 150 with increased level of co-financing (until now: PLN 100)
- PLN 50 with basic level of co-financing (until now: PLN 0)
Up to 12 000 000 PLN