Quality standards for coal for sale

From 4 November 2018, coal available for sale must meet the quality requirements introduced by the ordinance of the Minister of Energy. This means the end of uncontrolled sales of very poor quality coal. Each customer will also receive reliable information on the actual quality parameters of the coal he buys.
From 12 September 2018, the sale of coal sludge and flotoconcentrates has been banned throughout Poland. It was introduced through amendment to the Act on the system of monitoring and controlling the quality of fuels. It is also forbidden to add coal sludge and flotoconcentrates to other fuels. Now the ban on sales also included coal with very low calorific value and high content of ash, sulfur or moisture. At the same time, the Act obliged the Minister of Energy to review the introduced coal quality standards every two years. The results of the review are to be the basis for tightening standards in the future.
The quality of coal authorized for sale
Detailed parameters of the coal authorized for sale have been specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy on quality requirements for solid fuels.
“Billet”, “cube” and “nut” coal must have a calorific value of at least 22 MJ/kg, an ash content of no more than 12% and a sulfur content up to 1.7%. On the other hand, “pea coal” may have a slightly lower calorific value – minimum 21 MJ / kg. The ash content should not exceed 14% and the sulfur content can reach up to 1.7%.
In the case of coal marked as “eco-pea coal” and “coal eco-fines”, acceptable parameters are more stringent. The calorific value should be at least 24 MJ / kg, the ash content cannot exceed 12% and sulfur content 1.2%. “Coal eco-fines” also meets the requirements imposed by the anti-smog resolution in Małopolska. The grain content up to 3 mm cannot exceed 15%.
In the transitional period until 30 June 2020, the Minister of Energy also allowed sales of coal fines with inferior parameters. Its calorific value may amount to 18 MJ/kg, ash content 28% and sulfur 1.7%. This type of fuel, however, does not meet the requirements of the anti-smog resolution for Małopolska because of the high content of 0-1 mm fraction (up to 30%). In Małopolska, from 1 July 2017, the combustion of coal with a content of 0-3 mm fraction over 15% is forbidden and threatened with a ticket of 500 PLN or a fine of up to 5,000 PLN.
The sale of lignite will only be legal until 1 June 2020. After this period, it will only be possible to sale brown coal after thermal processing.
In Małopolska coal fines are forbidden
The anti-smog resolution for Małopolska introduces additional restrictions on the parameters of coal authorized for combustion. It is allowed to burn coals, which in accordance with the new ordinance of the Minister of Energy have been marked as “billets”, “cubes”, “nuts”, “peas”, “eco-peas” and “eco-fines”. On the other hand, the resolution prohibits the combustion of coal marked as “fines” as well as coal sludge and flotoconcentrates.
In the case of Krakow, until 31 August 2019, only coals marked as “billets”, “cubes”, “nuts”, “peas” and “eco-peas” may be burned. But their quality parameters must be stricter than allowed by the ordinance of the Minister of Energy. The minimum calorific value is 26 MJ/kg, the maximum ash content is 10%, sulfur is 0.8% and the share of grains up to 5 mm cannot exceed 5%.
Coal quality certificate
The Act on the system of monitoring and controlling the quality of fuels introduced the obligation to use the fuel quality certificate. The seller is obliged to provide a copy of the certificate confirmed for compliance with the original to each customer.
The model of the quality certificate for solid fuels was defined by the Minister of Energy in the regulation of 27 September 2018. This regulation also entered into force on 4 November 2018.
The coal quality certificate should contain the actual parameter values for the batch of fuel sold and their comparison with the values specified in the regulation. As a result, the customer can be sure of the quality of the fuel he receives. The certificate should also show the date of its issue and signature of the person representing the entrepreneur.
When buying coal, pay attention to its actual quality parameters – item No. 7 on the coal quality certificate. Compare these values with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the boiler, in which the coal will be burnt. These requirements should be included in the instructions for use of the device. Thanks to the use of coal adapted to the boiler, you will avoid failures and possible problems with the guarantee.
Reporting of infringements
The Trade Inspection is responsible for controlling the sellers and distributors of coal. During the inspection, the inspector may request access to documents regarding the origin and quality of fuel and take samples for testing. If it is determined that the sold coal does not meet the quality requirements, the seller is subject to a fine of 50,000 to 500,000 PLN. If the seller does not give the buyer a copy of the coal quality certificate or the coal parameters contained therein are inconsistent with the actual state, he may receive a penalty from 10,000 up to 100,000 PLN or be imprisoned for up to 3 years.
Contact details of the Trade Inspection in Małopolska
Provincial Inspectorate of Trade Inspection in Kraków
31-752 Kraków, ul. Ujastek 1
tel. 12 448 10 30
[email protected]
Delegment of the Provincial Inspectorate of Trade Inspection in Nowy Sącz
33-300 Nowy Sącz, ul. Jagiellońska 52
tel. 18 444 24 08
[email protected]
Delegment of the Provincial Inspectorate of Trade Inspection in Tarnów
33-100 Tarnów, Al. Solidarity 5-9
tel. 14,696 extension no. 3355, 3356, 3357, 3358, 3359
[email protected]