Subsidies for replacing furnaces in multi-family buildings.

National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management launched another nationwide anti-smog programme. Warm Flat is a subsidy programme designed for owners of flats in multi-family buildings.
On Thursday 21 July this year NFEPWM announced a call for applications for grants to replace obsolete heating sources and improve energy efficiency in flats. The programme is aimed at owners of flats in multi-family buildings, who will be able to apply for a grant in their municipalities. The programme has a budget of PLN 1.4 billion.
Funding for heating system
The amount of subsidy possible will depend on the beneficiary’s income. Three levels of subsidy have been defined, for which the range of maximum subsidy is from PLN 15 000 to PLN 37 500.
The amount of subsidy possible will depend on the beneficiary’s income. Three levels of subsidy have been defined, for which the range of maximum subsidy is from PLN 15 000 to PLN 37 500.
At the same time, additional solutions provided to strengthen the fight against smog. These concern people living in municipalities that are on the list of the most polluted in terms of air quality. Residents of these areas can apply for an even higher subsidy amount. Then, depending on their income, it can be 35, 65 and 95 per cent of the qualified costs of the tasks.
The programme will be coordinated by the municipalities
In the Warm Flat programme, landlords will apply directly to the municipalities. It is they who are responsible in the programme for carrying out the call for applications, assessing the applications, concluding the agreements and allocating the subsidy funds to the flat owners.
This is the first such nationwide programme addressed to owners of flats located in multi-family buildings. It is an ideal supplement to existing forms of financial support. Now the residents of apartment and tenement houses also have the chance to replace their old furnaces with financial support. I hope that municipalities in the Małopolska region will join the programme, thus giving their residents the opportunity to take advantage of these funds.
emphasised Jozef Gawron – Deputy Marshal of the Malopolska Region.
Municipal governments can apply to the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for the funds needed to implement the programme in their area. The documentation they should consult when preparing an application for funding can be found on the programme website: Warm Flat. For additional questions, a special e-mail box is available: [email protected].