Summary of LIFE Malopolska – January 2021

Main events

  • The implementation of the LIFE EKOMAŁOPOLSKA project “Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy” has started. The project is carried out from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030, together with 26 partners.
  • Continuation of radio campaigns conducted on RMF FM, RMF MAXXX – Kraków and Nowy Sącz, in which ecological issues were raised.
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation of the LIFE project’s eco-consultancy activities has been limited. It was difficult to carry out tasks on a full-time basis, due to remote working and restrictions in receiving clients and organising events.
  • Eco-managers distributed in total almost 42 000 informational and educational materials and gave over 8000 advices to the Małopolska residents.

C.1. Eco-managers

Advice and help for residents

In January, Eco-managers employed under the LIFE program provided advisory assistance to the residents of Małopolska in the following dimensions:

  • 2113 persons admitted in the office
  • 4495 by phone
  • 1181 in writing or by e-mail
  • 316 during visits

490 inspections were carried out at residents regarding waste incineration. In 11 cases, violations were found.

Surveys from residents and applications for funding

Eco-managers were involved in collecting surveys from residents and processing applications for funding.

In January 2020:

  • 255 questionnaires were collected from residents interested in receiving funding,
  • 154 applications for co-financing from residents or entities were processed,
  • 160 agreements with residents or entities for co-financing were signed and 140 such agreements were settled.

The eco-managers entered or updated data on 9222 buildings in the heating database.

C.2. Competence Centre

List of low-emission heating appliances

The list of low-emission solid fuel heating appliances that meet Ecodesign requirements, available at, includes a total of 354 boilers and space heaters.

Application “Eco-intervention”

In January, 1610 applications were received. The application is available at, the website says.

It can be specified:

  • 1142 reports of air pollution,
  • 168 illegal waste disposal,
  • 31 sewage and waste discharges.

The hotline operated by the Competence Centre of UMWM responded to over 300 telephone calls.

Online training – Meeting with the expert

The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency as part of online training courses entitled in January, “Meeting with an expert” organized three events in which eco-managers took part:

  •    13.01. – Meeting with KAPE expert – Energy efficiency in SME
  •    20.01. – Meeting with KAPE expert – Small-scale retention
  •    27.01. – Meeting with KAPE expert – Conditions for development of civic energy in Poland.

E1. Regional media campaign for clean air

Radio campaigns

In January, radio campaigns were continued on RMF FM, RMF MAXXX – Kraków and Nowy Sącz, in which the subject of ecology was discussed.

E.2. Local information and education activities in the field of air protection

Educational materials on air protection

Eco-managers in the municipalities:

  • prepared 31 842 leaflets and brochures and 331 posters,
  • distributed 27 859 leaflets and brochures and 683 posters,
  • prepared 14 162 and distributed 13 793 other educational and promotional materials (promotional materials, leaflets connected with the Clean Air Program).

Meetings and events

Eco-managers organised meetings and events:

  • 3 competitions for children/young people, in which 67 people participated,
  • 4 meetings in school and kindergartens, attended by 104 people
  • 7 meetings with residents, attended by 376 people,
  • 26 meetings with local leaders, attended by 93 people in total.
  • 4 other events on air protection, attended by 19 900 people.

E. 3. Creating networks for sharing experience with other projects.

  • The implementation of the LIFE EKOMAŁOPOLSKA project “Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy” started on 1 January 2021. The project will last until 31 December 2030 and will be implemented in cooperation with 26 partners, including the Ministry of Development, the Silesian Voivodeship and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow as well as 18 counties in the Małopolska region. One of the most important goals of the project is to prepare scenarios for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for Małopolska until 2030 and 2050.
  • On the 25th of January the first technical meeting with partners of the LIFE EKOMALOPOLSKA project took place. Financial and content-related issues were discussed. Issues and questions raised by the partners were also discussed.

E.4. Promotion of project implementation

Eco-managers in the municipalities prepared:

  • 14 articles in the press,
  • 200 articles and posts on the Internet and social media,
  • 15 times used other media

and took part in media information related to the project:

  • 16 radio or TV broadcasts.
