Summary of LIFE Malopolska – July 2022

Main events
- The first stage of the evaluation of the Air Quality Plan has been completed. Municipalities and counties executed a review of the corrective actions planned in the mAQP to date, in terms of their adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency.
- On 14 July a meeting was held on the subject of the system of prediction and notification about the risks of exceeding air quality norms.
- On 27 July a training took place concerning improving competence in the field of sustainable energy among young adults.
- Eco-managers distributed a total of more than 15 thousand informational and educational materials and gave over 27 thousand pieces of advice to residents of Małopolska.
C.1. Eco-managers
Advice and help for residents
In July Eco-managers working on the LIFE program provided the following counselling assistance to the residents of Małopolska:
- 15,273 people received in the office
- 10,659 by telephone
- 602 in writing or by e-mail
- 707 during on-site visits
83 inspections of residents’ households regarding waste incineration were undertaken. In 9 cases, violations of regulations were found.
Surveys from residents and funding applications
Eco-managers were involved in collecting applications for funding from residents. In July 2022:
- 488 applications were collected from residents interested in benefiting from funding for heat source replacement.
Eco-managers entered or updated data on 43,217 properties in the Central Energy Efficiency and Building Heating Records (CEEB).
C.2. Competence Centre
List of low-emission heating appliances
The list of low-emission, ecodesign-compliant solid fuel heating equipment, available at, includes a total of 437 boilers and space heaters.
,,Eco-intervention” application
In July, 500 reports were accepted. The application is available at
Specifically there were:
- 169 air pollution reports,
- 215 illegal waste disposal reports,
- 78 were related to sewage and wastewater discharges,
- 38 were classified as other types of reports.
The Competence Centre responded to more than 300 inquiries directed to the UMWM in the form of e-mails and 500 telephone inquiries.
Meeting on the proposed system of prediction and notification about the risks of exceeding air quality norms
On 14 July a meeting was held concerning the project of a system of prediction and notification about the risks of exceeding air quality norms. The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) is leading and funding a pilot project, which entails the creation of an electronic system of notifying about the risk of exceeding air quality norms is being created. The project is currently being implemented in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in agreement with the local Marshall’s Office, The Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (GIOŚ) and WCZK. The NCBR proposed that Małopolskie Voivodeship should join this collaborative pilot project. During the meeting the details of the cooperation between projects were decided.
Improving competence in the field of sustainable energy
On 27 July the workers of the Air Protection Team participated in a training session concerning improving competence in the field of sustainable energy among young adults (29-39 years old). The training was organised as part of the EL-Practice project.
D.1. Monitoring the effects of the implementation of the Air Quality Plan for Małopolskie Voivodeship
29th of July marked the deadline for municipalities and counties to submit the questionnaire concerning the corrective actions planned in the mAQP to date, in terms of their adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency. The submitted information will be of substantial use for the development of applications, recommendations, modifications or the specification of new corrective actions for Małopolska.
E.2. Local informational and educational activities on air protection
Educational materials on air protection
Eco-managers in municipalities:
- distributed 14,319 flyers and brochures and 19 posters,
- prepared and distributed 807 other educational and promotional materials (promotional materials, leaflets related to the Clean Air Programme, board games and school materials for children).
Meetings & Events
Eco-managers organized meetings and events:
- 3 competitions for children and youth with 255 participants,
- 5 school and kindergarten meetings attended by 211 people,
- 21 meetings with residents attended by 969 people,
- 18 meetings with local leaders, totalling 66 people.
- 7 other air protection events with 846 attendees.
Use of media
Eco-managers in municipalities prepared:
- 21 articles in the press,
- 82 articles and posts online and in social media,
- 5 times other media were used
and participated in media releases related to the project:
- 27 radio or TV broadcasts.