Summary of LIFE Malopolska – December 2022

Main events
- On 2 December a meeting of the energetics and climate team of the Voivodeship Council of Social Dialogue was held. A representative of the Competence Centre participated in it.
- On 7 December workshops for Eco-managers took place. The goal of the meeting was to summarise the effects of actions undertaken as part of the Air Quality Plan, to present the results of the evaluation of the Plan, and to work together on creating ideas and soultions for updating it.
- On 14 December a meeting of representatives of environmental protection institutions was held in Skawina. During the meeting, current and planned activities implemented in the Skawina Municipality concerning the environment were presented. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Competence Center.
- On 21 December a meeting inaugurating the LIFE AFTER COAL PL Project – Implementation of the Climate Neutrality Strategy EASTERN WIELKOPOLSKA 2040 was held. During the meeting, Deputy Director of the Department of Environment Tomasz Pietrusiak spoke about Małopolska’s experiences concerning implementing the LIFE project.
- Eco-managers distributed a total of more than 78 thousand informational and educational materials and gave over 15 thousand pieces of advice to residents of Małopolska.
C.1. Eco-managers
Advice and help for residents
In December Eco-managers working on the LIFE Program provided the following counseling assistance to the residents of Małopolska:
- 7,206 people received in the office,
- 6,976 by telephone,
- 523 in writing or by e-mail,
- 818 during on-site visits
1,263 inspections of residents’ households regarding waste incineration were undertaken. In 39 cases, violations of regulations were found.
Questionnaires from residents and applications for funding
Eco-managers were involved in collecting applications for funding from residents.
In December 2022:
- 242 applications were collected from residents interested in benefiting from funding for heat source replacement.
Eco-managers entered or updated data on 14,123 properties in the Central Energy Efficiency and Building Heating Records (CEEB).
C.2. Competence Centre
“Eco-intervention” application
In December, 398 reports were accepted. The application is available at
Specifically there were:
- 312 air pollution reports,
- 47 illegal waste disposal reports,
- 28 were related to sewage and wastewater discharges,
- 11 were classified as other types of reports,
The Competence Centre responded to more than 150 inquiries directed to UMWM in the form of e-mails and 200 telephone inquiries.
Meeting with an expert
The National Energy Conservation Agency held one event in December as part of its online “Meet the Expert” training, in which Eco-managers participated:
14 December – One Stop Shop in the municipality – local support of work for energy efficiency
Eco-managers in Małopolska improve their qualifications!
On 7 December a workshop for Eco-managers was held. The aim of the meeting was to summarize the results of actions carried out as part of the Air Quality Plan, to present the results of the Plan’s evaluation, and to work together on creating ideas and soultions for updating it. In the first part of the meeting, Deputy Director of the Department of Environment Piotr Łyczko summarized the effects of the implementation of the current Plan. After that prof. dr. hab. Aldona Frączkiewicz Wronka, on behalf of the company “EU-CONSULT” Sp. z o.o., presented an evaluation of the effectiveness of the current Plan. This analysis was undertaken for the purpose of updating the document. The study used, among other things, the results of the survey of entities such as: municipalities, county offices, scientific units or companies. The second part of the meeting was in the form of a workshop. Workshop participants were divided into 8 groups. Each team took on the challenge of developing solutions that could improve activities related to improving air quality.

E.2. Local informational and educational activities on air protection
Educational materials on air protection
Eco-managers in municipalities:
- distributed 70,858 flyers and brochures and 1,341 posters,
- prepared and distributed 6,094 other educational and promotional materials (promotional materials, leaflets related to the Clean Air Programme, board games and school materials for children).

Meetings and events
Eco-managers organised meetings and events:
- 2 school and kindegarten meetings attended by 140 people,
- 4 meetings with residents attended by 153 people,
- 27 meetings with local leaders, totaling 133 people,
- 17 other air protection events with 2,729 attendees.

Use of media
Eco-managers in municipalities prepared:
- 43 articles in the press,
- 86 articles and posts online and in social media,
- 11 times other media were used
and participated in media releases related to the project:
- 63 radio or TV broadcasts.
E.3. Networking with other projects
- On 2 December a meeting of the energetics and climate team of the Voivodeship Council of Social Dialogue was held, in which a representative of the Competence Centre participated.

- On 14 December a meeting of representatives of environmental protection institutions was held in Skawina. During the meeting, current and planned activities implemented in the Skawina Municipality concerning the environment were presented. The meeting was attended by: Tomasz Pietrusiak – Deputy Director of the Department of Environment, Katarzyna Stadnik – manager of the air protection team, representatives of the Voivodeship Environment Protection Inspector, the County Office of the Kraków County, the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Kraków and the Skawina Municipality.

- On 21 December a meeting inaugurating the LIFE AFTER COAL PL Project – Implementation of the Climate Neutrality Strategy EASTERN WIELKOPOLSKA 2040 was held. During the meeting, Deputy Director of the Department of Environment Tomasz Pietrusiak spoke about Małopolska’s experiences concerning implementing the LIFE project.
F.1. Project management
- On 7-9 December another monitoring visit of the LIFE IP Małopolska project took place. During the visit the project monitor – Stanisław Tworek, regional coordinator for Central and Eastern Europe NEEMO EEIG, met the project partners, the management team, and the representatives of partner On 21 December a meeting inaugurating the LIFE AFTER COAL PL Project – Implementation of the Climate Neutrality Strategy EASTERN WIELKOPOLSKA 2040 was held. During the meeting, Deputy Director of the Department of Environment Tomasz Pietrusiak spoke about Małopolska’s experiences concerning implementing the LIFE project.municipalities, i.e. Bochnia and Wierzchosławice.