Requests for updating the Air Quality Plan

The requests of residents, non-governmental organizations and municipal authorities that should be included in the work of updating the Air Quality Plan have been collected. During the period from June 22 to July 29, requests were received from a total of 52 institutions, including 35 from municipalities, 13 from organizations and 4 from private individuals.
The comments largely concerned the necessity for designating the need for preparing and adopting an anti-smog resolution setting out the emission parameters for low-power boilers in the Malopolska Region in the Air Quality Plan. There have been comments on the lack of effective legal instruments that would allow residents to replace low-effective heating systems and those pointing out the lack of financial resources to undertake the replacements. The comments also concerned the phenomenon of illegal waste incineration in domestic heating systems, which is still widely observed throughout the region. This is due to insufficient control or lack of it in some municipalities, which results from the lack of knowledge concerning regulations or staffing difficulties.
Some of the municipalities for which no old boiler replacement was required in the previous Program of 2013 have requested to be included in the updated document and declared actions on low-emission abatement. On the other hand, some of the municipalities for which the current Program has set targets for reducing air emissions have requested a reduction in the scale of the assigned duties.
On September 12-22, there will be consultative meetings in the various regions of the region to present the assumptions of the new Program. Work on the preparation of the draft of the updated Air Quality Plan for the Malopolska Region will last until October this year. In November, official public consultation and the process of evaluating the document by the municipalities and counties will be held. The presentation of the resolution to the Sejmik of the Malopolska Region is scheduled for January 2017.