Consultation of Transitional Design of the Antismog Resolution for Krakow

The Management Board of the Malopolska Region approved the transitional anti-smog resolution for Krakow. The document envisages the ban on the use of low-quality coal for heating houses and flats from 1 July 2017. These regulations apply to the area of the municipality of Krakow and will remain in force until the full ban on coal burning until the end of August 2019.
The draft resolution prohibits the use of low-quality fuels that release the most toxic compounds and particulate matter into the atmosphere. This means that one will not be able to use the following to heat houses:
- fuels in which the mass fraction of hard coal or lignite of particle size 0-5 mm is greater than 5%,
- fuels containing hard coal or lignite that meet at least one of the following parameters in the operating condition:
- calorific value below 26 MJ / kg,
- ash content greater than 10%,
- sulfur content greater than 0.8%;
- fuels containing biomass with moisture content in the operating condition greater than 20%.
The regulations will remain in force until the entry into force of the antismog resolution for Krakow from 2016 which introduced a total ban on burning coal and wood in ovens, boilers and fireplaces from September 1, 2019.
Currently, the new regulations are undergoing the public consultation – their final shape will also be influenced by residents, NGOs and city authorities. Consultations will last until the end of March, and then, if everything is according to the plan, it will be possible for the Sejmik of the Region to vote in late April.