
Summary of European Mobility Week 2023

From September 16 to 22, 2023, we celebrated European Mobility Week - European Mobility Week! This annual event focuses the attention of all of Europe on the issues of sustainable transportation, ecology and energy efficiency. European Mobility Week is an initiative that was born in 2002 and…


We consult. Share your opinion!

Public consultations on the draft update of the Air Protection Program for the Małopolska province for the next 3-year period have begun. We all have an impact on what we breathe on a daily basis, so we want both residents and local governments to actively and unanimously implement the Air…


Green energy continues to grow in strength

The Marshal's Office of the Małopolska Region summarized the activities of municipalities in implementing the Air Protection Program for the Małopolska Region in the first half of 2023. Gdów, Łukowica, Krzeszowice on the podium Actions to replace heating devices in our region have been…


Get funding for nature and RES eco-workshops

The Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Cracow has announced another call for grants for ecological nature rooms and renewable energy sources (RES) projects. The program is an important step towards environmental protection and the promotion of ecology. Thanks to…


Annual celebration of sustainable transportation

Today - September 22 - was the finale of European Mobility Week (Mobility Week)! This is an event that focuses the attention of all of Europe on issues of sustainable transport, ecology and energy efficiency. The Malopolska Region is once again rising to the occasion, actively joining in the…


Funding for Eco-managers in municipalities

Eco-managers are environmental specialists working in municipalities on a daily basis. The main purpose of their activities is to raise the awareness of residents about air protection and support pro-environmental activities. Thanks to their participation in the LIFE program "Implementation of the…

