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The General Court has confirmed the validity of the air quality plan

Today the Voivodship Administrative Court rejected the complaints of the municipalities of Rzepiennik Strzyżewski and Oświęcim against the "Air Quality Plan" adopted by the Sejmik of the Małopolska Region. This means that the comprehensive project of measures to improve air quality in our…


Competition “Construction of a pellet plant for the production…

The Minister of Climate and Environment, as Operator of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Program, invites to submit project concepts for the "Construction of a pellet plant for the production of fuel from agricultural and forest biomass", funded by the European Economic Area Financial…



PLN 100 million for the “Clean Air” program!

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has announced an incentive package of PLN 100 million for municipalities that actively participate in the implementation of the Clean Air Program. Each commune which has signed, or will conclude by the end of May 2021, an agreement on running a service…


Summary of LIFE Malopolska – January 2021

Main events The implementation of the LIFE EKOMAŁOPOLSKA project "Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy" has started. The project is carried out from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030, together with 26 partners.Continuation of radio campaigns conducted on RMF FM,…


More municipalities in Małopolska want to introduce anti-smog…

Skawina, Tarnów, Oświęcim and Rabka-Zdrój, as well as Krzeszowice are the next Małopolska communes, which intend to introduce local anti-smog resolutions. These are restrictions on the use of solid fuels, especially coal. Representatives of self-governments of the mentioned communes discussed…

