

Air Protection Programme for Małopolska 2020. Frequently asked…

Will there be an absolute ban on smoking coal and wood in Małopolska? No, the new Air Protection Programme does not introduce a ban on smoking coal and wood in Małopolska. The antismoking equipment and fuel allowed for use is indicated in the antismoking resolution for Małopolska. According…


Conference entitled “Sources of air pollution and their impact…

A conference entitled "Sources of air pollution and their impact on air quality in Cracow in 2018-2019" was held on 24.09.2020 in the headquarters of the Regional Inspectorate of Environmental Protection in Krakow. During the conference, the results of research conducted by the AGH University…


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I edition of the Internship Programme “Climate for the…

The Ministry of Climate together with the Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management invite students and graduates of technical universities to participate in the first edition of the Internship…


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Summary of LIFE Małopolska – August

Main Events In August, all comments submitted as part of the consultation on the Air Protection Programme for the Małopolska Region were considered. The draft programme was adopted by the Board of the Małopolska Region.Since August, a pilot application for industrial pollution has been…


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The residents of Małopolska are sensitive to the point of…

The "Eco-intervention" application is becoming popular among the residents of Małopolska. Since the application was introduced, as many as two thousand applications have been received, related to violations of environmental protection regulations. Which municipalities fulfill the…

