The call for proposals for the Clean Air Program has been launched

The Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow has announced a call for funding under the Clean Air Priority Program. Proposals can be submitted from 19 September 2018.
The program assumes support for activities in the field of thermal modernization of single-family houses, as well as the replacement of old, high-emission furnaces and solid fuel furnaces. The individuals who are owners of single-family houses and those who have permission to start the construction of such a building can send proposals to the Program.
The implementation of the Program is scheduled for 2018-2029. Signing contracts will be possible until the end of 2027, while all work related to the investment will have to be completed by 30 June 2029. The budget for the implementation of the Program in the entire Poland is PLN 103 billion.
Supported investments
Under the Program, you can obtain funding for:
- investments regarding the replacement of old heat sources, i.e. solid fuel furnaces and boilers,
- thermal modernization of single-family houses, consisting in the insulation of building partitions and replacement of window and door carpentry,
- installation of renewable energy sources (solar collectors and photovoltaic installations),
- assembly of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery,
- assembly or modernization of central heating and hot water installations.
Amounts of co-financing
The co-financing can be a subsidy or a loan. Amounts of co-financing depend on the monthly income per capita in the applicant’s household:
- group I: up to PLN 600 / person – subsidy up to 90% and a loan up to 10%,
- group II: PLN 601 – PLN 800 / person – subsidy up to 80% and a loan up to 20%,
- group III: 801 – 1000 PLN / person – subsidy up to 70% and a loan up to 30%,
- group IV: PLN 1001 – PLN 1200 / person – grant up to 60% and a loan up to 40%,
- group V: 1201 – 1400 PLN / person – subsidy up to 50% and a loan up to 50%,
- group VI: 1401 – 1600 PLN / person – subsidy up to 40% and a loan up to 60%,
- Group VII: more than PLN 1,600 / person – subsidy up to 30% and a loan up to 70%.
The value of the eligible costs of the project is set within the limits of PLN 7,000 to PLN 53,000. If the amount of PLN 53,000 is exceeded, additional costs can be co-financed in the form of a loan, the financing of which will not be less than 2% per annum. The planned loan repayment period is 15 years, with the possibility of a grace period in repayment, no longer than until the end of the undertaking.
The project implementation period is defined for 24 months from the date of signing the contract (the deadline is 30 June 2029).
Call for proposals
The call for proposals is conducted on a continuous basis, which means that the calls are considered on a regular basis. All information about the submission, processing and required documentation are posted on the website of the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow.
Information meetings for residents about the Clean Air program are organized.
Energy advisers from WFOŚiGW in Krakow will also conduct workshops for municipal workers about the Clean Air program.
Information on current co-financing programs is available on the Co-financing page.